My Journey and Insights From 2nd Quarter

HTML Tags List: HTML Cheat Sheet

    During the second quarter of ICT, I gained a lot of new knowledge about utilizing HTML to create web pages. I understood how to format and organize a webpage using simple HTML tags like and. In order to practice creating web pages from the start, I also learnt how to enter in Notepad and save the HTML code. Except that, I practiced on framesets, on table generation, background color addition, and pictures adding along with hyperlinks, to URLs. All those gave me proper well-practices regarding the knowledge of mechanisms inside HTML and the use inside which easy and efficient web pages might get designed.

    While learning these skills, I faced some difficulties. One of the major problems was proper usage of some tags, especially when using multiples together: framesets and tables. Sometimes it would not load the page as it should, and I wouldn't know why. For a while it was really tough to debug my own code because the lack of or improper usage of tags could sometimes lead to errors that was not easy to trace. I also had a problem in memorizing the different formats of the tag and their application.

    To overcome difficulties, I practiced intensively and divided my code into sub-components in order to check each sub-component step by step. In that way, this has improved my ability to identify and correct errors. If I was not clear on something, I'd ask my teacher or friends for their help or follow online tutorials or guides to clear my doubts.

    These resources made learning easier and helped me overcome my problems. I learned that one can't be perfect; he must make mistakes to learn from each mistake and improve himself. I will learn more about web development. Of course, the practice will continue, but this time using even more HTML tags to build creative and well-designed web pages, learning about CSS and JavaScript to make my pages even more interesting and interactive. I am confident that with continued practice and patience, I will be able to design and code better web pages. I like the idea of continuing to learn and improve my ICT skills.      


  1. I know you really did your best during the second quarter and I hope we can learn more exciting lessons in the next quarters! :))


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